In this age of easy-to-search internet, where consumers have so many different choices, for example: when consumers choose a mobile phone charger, they can search thousands of related product information from the website or APP, keeping them loyal to your company can be a challenge.
It’s not impossible to create this, though, so don’t despair. These seven strategies will help you keep users loyal to your company.
How to Keep Your Users Loyal
As Walt Disney once said, “Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” So, producing a quality product that solves user needs is key to keeping users loyal, and if they are happy, they are likely to tell others about your product.
Over the years the methods of keeping your users loyal have changed. Before, there wasn’t as much competition between tech companies as there is now, so when you are thinking of ways to retain your consumer base, you need to pay attention to many aspects.
This article will take mobile phone accessories as an example to introduce the aspects that merchants should use to maintain user loyalty.
Seven Strategies to Keep Users Loyal to You
Pay Attention to Corporate Influence
How you use your company’s reach is incredibly important, your customers are constantly watching how you interact with the world around you. If you have a bad reputation, particularly in regard to the points mentioned below, then you will lose users.
The impact of business on the environment
Something that is becoming more and more important to consumers is your environmental impact, both how your company impacts the environment and how your products can either help or hinder it. So, it is important that you as a company acknowledge this too.
One way to achieve this, is to create products that will lower yours and your users’ carbon footprint and align yourself with your users’ values.
For example, you could start releasing products like a solar power charger that will harness natural power sources. Not only will ideas like this keep your users loyal but will also drive new ones to your company.
Enterprise’s contribution to society
With everything going on in the World at the moment: war, famine, and poverty, it is important that your users see you doing something to improve the world they live in.
Whether your business is making a charitable donation or leading a campaign to help those less fortunate, like to know their money is doing good in the World.
Personal image of business leaders
What the business leaders do in their spare time isn’t private, their actions reflect on the business as a whole.
It is best to maintain a clean personal image, otherwise there is a high chance that you will not be able to keep your users loyal to you.
2. Use of Marketing
Although there are many channels for consumers to obtain product information, active marketing is still an important way for you to attract customers; choose the right marketing channel with attractive marketing content to draw more users to your business.
For example, when you have a new wireless charger product on the market, you can use an email marketing campaign to reach existing customers while using ad marketing to attract new users.
This is great for reminding users that your company exists and encouraging them to stay with you.
Using social media
Social media is a growing opportunity within marketing, particularly if you are selling mobile phone accessories.
A lot of your users will be using their phones to access social media, which in turn will cause them to think about what they need to purchase as they are using the device.
It’s also a common habit for commuters to scroll through their feeds on their daily commute, so if their battery is running low this is the perfect opportunity for an advert for a wireless power bank to pop up, especially a wireless power bank with a fast charger.
3. Know the Needs of Your Users
It’s also important to know what your users need. If you can predict their needs, then they will never have to look elsewhere.
For example, if you know that your users are active people, who are likely to need a power supply while they explore, it is a good idea to provide a collection of power banks so that they have a choice.
Maybe have the wireless power bank with a fast charger, as mentioned above, alongside a power bank 15W with fast charger or maybe a car phone charger.

Alternatively, if your users travel a lot, invest in creating travel wall adapters for phones, with US, UK, and EU plugs for example. This will come in handy no matter which country they are travelling to.
4. Keep Your Product on Top
As we all know, electronic products change very quickly. If your product remains the same, you can’t expect to retain users, consumers will buy new mobile phone chargers from other channels.
For example: if you are only selling a very common 20W wall charger, your users may have purchased a 100W GaN Fast Charger with multiple ports, or a 188W desktop charger from other channels;
then you are unlikely to get many repeat customers, because once they own a new model, they are less likely to go back and buy an older model.
However, if your company consistently releases new products and has a line of mobile phone accessories, your users may keep coming back.
They may already have a power bank, but they also want a wireless charger for their phone, and tapping into consumer curiosity about new products is one way to ensure they stay loyal.
5. Incentives
Everyone likes to have something to sweeten the deal, whether that is a cash incentive or loyalty programmes.
You need your users to have a reason to remain loyal, and while having good, reliable products such as superfast mobile phone chargers, should be enough, it wouldn’t hurt to introduce some programmes that will encourage customers to continue to shop with you.
Some incentives that have been used, also help to drive new customers to your company, like a referral scheme.
This involves your current user to refer you to someone new and use their name or specific code and, that current user would then receive something in return, sometimes it is cash, but you could offer a discount with their next purchase.
6. Encourage and Listen to Feedback
It may seem like such an easy way to keep users loyal to you, however it is also one of the easiest ways to fail. As human beings, it can be easy to feel as though there is nothing wrong with anything that we produce, however sometimes our ideas are flawed.
If a customer is reporting a flaw in one of your products, it is imperative that you take notice of this and acknowledge what they are saying.
It is understandable if you wouldn’t want this problem to become associated with your company, but sometimes it will make you stand out and encourage your users to return if you take responsibility and try to remedy every situation.
So, for example, if someone were to have a problem with the 3 in 1 wireless phone charger that they recently brought from your company and went on social media to complain about it, you will be getting judged on your response to them.
At this point, the information in relation to your company is already out there and it is how you handle the problem that is how users will feel about you.
It is also a good idea to thank people for any positive feedback that they leave, so that your users feel valued and listened to.
As well as listening to feedback and responding to it, try to encourage your users to give you that feedback.
After all, your latest product is only as good as people think it is, so it will help you to know what your customers need and provide them with the products that will keep them coming back.
7. Great Customer Service
No one wants to feel like they aren’t being listened to, so it’s important to have great customer service and many avenues for your users to be able to contact you.
You might notice a customer service section in a lot of shops that you visit, or if they don’t have a specific section for this, then their staff are readily available.
Even if your business doesn’t have a physical location, there are plenty of options available to you, such as a virtual chat that’s accessible via your website.
Another good idea for those who don’t have access to the internet, is to have a customer call centre or at the very least a phone number that they can contact for emergency advice.
Whichever method you choose to use, make sure that the customer is at the centre of every interaction. It is important to make them feel valued and that their issue is your issue as well.
This will make them feel as though they can trust you, making it more likely that they will remain loyal.
There are many different strategies you can use to keep users loyal to you, especially in mobile phone accessories such as wireless phone chargers and power banks.
There are also many participants in the market, and businesses are facing huge competitive pressure. Maintaining user loyalty is a necessary rule for your company to survive.
These are just seven strategies you can adapt to your company, but as long as you remember to focus on your customers’ needs and wants, they’ll stay loyal to you.