How do mobile phone charger importers find reliable factories from China?

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With the popularization and rapid development of the Internet , most businesses now rely on the Internet for transactions, and buyers also obtain product information and supplier information from the Internet . After businesses smell this business opportunity , they quickly sell their products .




Product information is published overwhelmingly on the Internet . It can be said that it is very easy and low-cost to obtain certain information nowadays . For example : a mobile phone charger importer located in a certain country in the world wants to obtain the latest style of mobile phone chargers from China , or wants to find a Chinese mobile phone charger manufacturer.





He can search through the Internet and in just one minute Get thousands of relevant pieces of information in a matter of seconds . However, how to distinguish the authenticity of this information and filter out the real and useful information from tens of thousands of pieces of information really gives buyers around the world a headache.




Why do you say that ? Because marketing usually contains a certain degree of propaganda , some even lose authenticity . For example : false propaganda of product quality , boasting of product functions, untrue company size , fraudulent product certification , false prices , etc. This untrue information made buyers believe it at first , but later caused their entire transaction process to be accidentally involved , adding a lot of trouble and even causing irreparable financial losses .

So is there a good way to identify the authenticity of information ? Help overseas buyers find reliable mobile phone charger factories ? The answer is : yes .




This article aims to provide importers of these mobile phone chargers with the necessary strategies and knowledge to help them find trustworthy factories in China to continuously enhance the advantages of their supply chain.

It is very necessary to understand the development of China’s mobile phone charger market

Development history of mobile phone chargers in China

As we all know , China is a major industrial manufacturing country , and this is well-deserved . To this day , China still maintains a leading advantage in industrial manufacturing , especially in consumer electronics . From 30 years ago, PHS mobile phones, universal chargers , Nokia touch-sensitive mobile phones , etc. It is produced in China .




However, depending on the region in China , each industry has formed an industrial chain in a specific region . For example : the heavy machinery industry is mainly distributed in northern China , the clothing and shoe industry is mainly distributed in Fujian Province , China , and a very famous Internet company ( Alibaba ) is located in Zhejiang Province , China. The headquarters of major companies from all over the world in China are mainly concentrated in Shanghai , while the consumer electronics and home appliance industries are mainly concentrated in Guangdong Province in southern China , where the entire electronics industry has formed. The industry chain has excellent product designers , electronic engineers , advanced machinery, equipment and processes . Various components for the production of mobile phone chargers are also concentrated here ; the world -renowned factory ( Foxconn ) for iPhone OEM Headquarters ), BYD headquarters , and Luxshare Precision headquarters are all located in Guangdong Province ; more than 60 % of the world’s mobile phone chargers are produced in Guangdong Province, China every year . It can be said that China’s southern Guangdong province plays a pivotal role in the manufacturing and supply of global electronic products .




It is crucial to understand the industrial chains formed in these regions , which will play a very important role for mobile phone charger importers in subsequent selection and identification of suppliers.


Development status of mobile phone chargers in China

2013 , as costs gradually increased in Guangdong Province and profits became increasingly slim, some mobile phone charger manufacturers began to consider relocating their factories to central China ( Hubei Province , Hunan Province, Jiangsu Province ). Western Province , Chongqing City ) and other regions in order to reduce costs and enhance price competitiveness. This idea is correct from a business perspective , but a series of problems inevitably emerged :

Aging labor force : Since young people ( between 20 and 30 years old ) in central provinces have migrated to southern provinces ( Guangdong Province ) to look for jobs , the labor force in central provinces is generally older . Workers are not skilled operators in the electronics industry and have poor learning ability . At the same time, they need to devote part of their energy to taking care of their families , so they cannot concentrate on product quality. The advantage is low labor costs. 





Supply is not guaranteed : Mobile phone charger manufacturers have only relocated their own factories , but their upstream and downstream suppliers are still in Guangdong Province. At first, they need to purchase from their original suppliers . They purchased raw materials and parts and then transported them to a factory in a province in central China through logistics . However, they later found that the supply was often delayed and affected production capacity , so they began to look for local suppliers. , but local suppliers generally have poor quality , backward technology , and a small number of suppliers to choose from , which directly affects the quality of mobile phone charger products.





No innovation ability : Since the best talents in the entire industry are concentrated in Guangdong Province in southern China , when the mobile phone charger factory relocated to the central province , they lost these talents and struggled in product innovation . They are unable to capture first-hand information on new and industry developments , so they always lag behind in product innovation or copy other people’s products.




No advantages in logistics : Since central China is all inland cities , products produced abroad generally need to be transported by car , train or Yangtze River shipping for more than a thousand kilometers . To coastal city ports , and then exported by sea , this series of operations not only prolongs the entire transportation time , but also increases freight costs.



Cost advantage : The only advantage of relocating factories to central provinces is low cost , because they can get lower labor costs , building rentals , and low-price and low- quality raw materials , so their total cost is advantage , which is why mobile phone charger importers can often find very cheap products in China.





very important for mobile phone accessories importers and buyers to understand the development history and current situation of mobile phone chargers in China . This will give them a clear direction when choosing a reliable mobile phone charger supplier.

To identify reliable mobile phone charger factories

After determining the region , you can eliminate some information and look for reliable mobile phone charger manufacturers in advantageous regions . And re-screen the search information based on some criteria .

1.  Key criteria for selecting mobile charger factory

●   Factory Certification and Compliance :

A reliable factory should comply with international standards and industry standards. This is not just about quality, but also environmental and social compliance .




Factories must have certifications such as quality management system ISO 9001, environmental management ISO 14001 and social responsibility SA 8000. As of 2021, about 85% of Chinese factories hold ISO certification, according to Certification is the record and restriction of the entire production process .




●   Production Capacity:

In order to complete bulk orders in a timely manner, factories with strong production capabilities are essential. Importers should verify the production capacity of mobile phone charger factories, including the number of workers , production lines, manufacturing tools, and deployment of automation and artificial intelligence technology.





In addition, responsiveness to sudden changes in demand, production flexibility and delivery times are also important factors to consider.

As Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma said: “Today, making money is easy. But making sustainable money while being socially responsible and improving the world is very difficult.”

●   Production Process:

If your product positioning is high-end , or you have your own brand , you usually want your product to look unique . For consumer electronics , uniqueness does not represent a technical barrier . It is usually reflected in the details of the product , such as unique LOGO presentation effects and eye -catching product surfaces . effects , eye-catching packaging and more . These require exquisite craftsmanship to achieve .



●   Quality Control :

Quality is not the responsibility of a single department or individual . It requires the participation of all employees . If a factory has passed the ISO certification mentioned above , it at least means that all employees of the factory are involved in quality control .




If the factory has introduced enterprise management software (such as ERP, MRP), etc. , then Wu Ning will have another line of defense for quality.

●   Production Equipment:

Advanced production equipment is a double guarantee of production capacity and quality . In the era of Industry 4.0 , more than half of the work in most Chinese factories is completed by intelligent equipment . Some factories of upstream suppliers of mobile phone chargers in China ( such as injection molding factories, metal stamping , CNC processing ) have realized 90% of work automation , using processes independently developed by Chinese companies.




Industrial robots replaced workers , doubled production capacity , and reduced costs by more than 30% . Therefore , when a mobile phone charger importer evaluates a factory , it is necessary for the factory to provide an equipment list , from which part of the factory’s strength can be judged.


●   Price :

Price is the last factor you consider . Remember not to always compare prices to judge the capabilities of suppliers . As we mentioned earlier , mobile phone charger manufacturers have many ways to reduce costs . Low prices are not Representative is the right supplier.




Cost usually depends on a variety of components – material costs, labor costs, production efficiency , overhead costs, and even transportation costs from the factory location to the destination. The various costs add up to form the final product price.



As Warren Buffett, synonymous with investing, once said: “Price is what you pay, value is what you get.” Don’t compromise value on price.

If you encounter a mobile phone charger supplier that has a slightly higher price but refuses to lower its price, please don’t give up immediately . Maybe they are one of the few suppliers who are maintaining their business bottom line.



2- Find channels for mobile phone charger manufacturers

●   Internet Search

We mentioned earlier that it is very simple to obtain mobile phone charger suppliers in any country in the world . Internet search is of course the fastest and lowest cost way . If you want to search for information about professional mobile phone charger manufacturers in China , the following Internet platform resources are relatively abundant :

Alibaba International Station

made in China

Google search

Baidu search



However, not all the information searched from these Internet is true and reliable . You need to filter the information according to the method we mentioned earlier , and then filter it before you can use it .





●   Exhibition

Over the past thirty years , China ‘s electronics trade exhibitions have also been very influential in the world because China has rich manufacturing resources . Thousands of companies participate in each exhibition , exhibiting their The most advantageous and attractive products , so businessmen and buyers from more than 200 countries around the world will come to China to look for products and suppliers during the exhibition .




China’s annual electronics exhibitions are generally concentrated in April and October . The following exhibitions are the most influential :

Hong Kong Electronics Fair : located in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Global Sources Exhibition : located in Hong Kong

Canton Fair : located in Guangzhou City

China International High-Tech Fair : located in Shenzhen City



●   Social Media

In the past 15 years , in addition to the rapid development of the Internet , another industry has also risen rapidly , and that is social media.

more and more common to contact business through social media , mainly because it is convenient and does not hinder timely communication between buyers and sellers due to time differences .



Chinese export merchants are also often active on the following social media :










search for suppliers in related industries through the above social media , and then obtain useful value through information screening and filtering . Dear buyers , if you receive a message recommending mobile phone charger products to you on social media , please don’t ignore it directly . Try to communicate and understand the seller’s true situation . Maybe he can give you some information. Bring unexpected gains .



3-Evaluate Potential Factories

The next stage is to evaluate potential mobile phone charger factories. This process includes preliminary communication, obtaining factory information , and factory audit.




●   Initial Communication:

After obtaining potential factory information , candidates should first contact the factory business manager . During this process , they can learn about part of the mobile phone charger factory through communication , such as : their main product categories, Basic information such as best-selling products, cooperative customers, main markets , export experience , development history , sales in the past three years , etc. Use this information to determine whether it is worth further communication .




●   Get Factory Information:

When the communication proceeds to the second step , the factory should be asked to provide some supporting documents to determine the true situation of the factory . For example :

Company business license, ISO certification , equipment list , company profile , production workshop photos and other information . Potential factories are screened again from this information.




●   Factory Audit:

Factory audit is the most direct way to reflect the true situation of the factory . Especially when you need to find a long-term partner, or when your purchase amount is relatively large , mobile phone charger importers should be cautious and must If necessary, the buyer should be arranged to travel and visit the factory in person to understand the on-site conditions .




However, with the development of the Internet , it is now possible to visit factories online through video and understand the true appearance of potential suppliers through the lens. This method is the most efficient and low-cost .




Entrusting a third party to audit the factory is also a more cost-effective way . If the buyer happens to have a good partner located near the audited factory , the buyer can entrust a third party to audit the factory instead .


Final Thoughts

Nowadays , in this era of information overflow , it seems that obtaining information is efficient and low-cost , but in fact there are many traps , because the method and cost of creating false information are also very low . This creates considerable difficulties in information screening and filtering .




However, by following the above strategic steps, going through the right channels , and taking a cautious approach, mobile phone charger importers can successfully complete the process and find reliable factories to meet their specific needs.




In the grand scheme of business, as Steve Jobs once said: “Great things in business are never done by one person, but by a team of people.” Finding a reliable factory is the key to building a winning part of the team.




By integrating these strategies and continuing to focus on growing the factory together , success as a mobile phone charger importer is more within reach than ever before , and the process of selecting the right supplier will indeed become less daunting, allowing more customers to Energy is used to focus on and meet the needs of end consumers .




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